Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Birthday MikeyD !

Mighty MikeyD went back to CHOP last week for his check up with Dr. Vetter and some testing of his defibrillator and pace maker. MikeyD's Defibrillator had no activity on it which is good. MikeyD does have some damage to the left ventricular from the Sudden Cardiac Arrest one of the valves has a slight leak, Dr.Vetter will follow it closely to see if it gets worse. The big scar on his chest is looking better. While we were at CHOP we met Dr. Iyer he is the surgeon who installed the built in defibrillator in MikeyD heart. The last time Dr. Iyer had seen MikeyD he was paralyzed in a wheel chair and could not talk. He had read all the neurological reports that said he would never have the use of his hands or arms. When Dr. Iyer walked in the exam room MikeyD gave him a strong firm handshake you could see the doctors face light up. When we were leaving Dr.Iyer came over to me and said I cannot believe he is using his hands and arms he was truly amazed.
This Wednesday January 15th was MikeyD’s Birthday.
We thank God every day that he is still here with us.
MikeyD had a great surprise visit for his Birthday.
The whole Middletown High School North Basketball team and coaches came to the house to celebrate MikeyD’s Birthday! They gave him the best present he could ever get.
That meant more to MikeyD and my family than they will ever know. Coach Mark use to coach MikeyD and I could tell by the smile how happy he was to see Coach Mark again. We would like to thank all the players the coaches and the Cerbo family for all that they have done for MikeyD that night. You guys have no idea how happy you made him.
We will be forever grateful.
Then on Saturday MikeyD had another big celebration with Family and friends.
Everyone can wish MikeyD a Happy Birthday right here and we will read them to him.
For those of you that have not seen the video Ciara made for her brother here is the link.
Remember We Believe in Miracles !

Please keep praying and posting for MikeyD.


  1. Hey Mikey,
    Happy Birthday !! Yes, I know we're a little late, but I always say "better late than never" I just watched your video and loved it! Your sisters did a GREAT job. Looking foward to the warm weather and wiffle ball games on your lawn. Hope you got to enjoy the snow today!! I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES AND I ALSO BELIEVE YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE MIRACLES....

  2. by Peggy Dunne
    Happy Birthday to you Mikey!! On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true! You are an amazing gift from God and you and your family continue to show God's LOVE and HEALINGS and Miracles here in Middletown. Thank you for sharing all of your Joys as well as the struggles and the Healings. ALL Thanksgiving and Praise to OUR GOD!! As your Prayer Warrior, I look forward to many more HEALINGS.

  3. by Diane Hansen
    MikeyD, It sure looks like you had a terrific birthday. I hope the year just keeps getting better. You continue to be totally amazing. Love, hugs & prayers, Diane

  4. by Linda Verange
    Happy Birthday Mikey. I hope this is the start of the happiest and healthiest year in your life! Keep working hard and we will keep praying!
    Love & Prayers
    Linda, Mike & Mary

  5. by Leslie Farrell
    Happy birthday Mikey! Here's to a new year of growing stronger, getting better and getting older. We are wishing you health and happiness always.

  6. by Fran Taylor
    Happy Birthday Mikey. I am absolutely amazed by you....xoxoxox
    Mrs. Taylor

  7. Happy Birthday MikeyD from the Cassins!! You are an inspiration ... keep fighting and we'll keep praying!!
    Barbara, Bob, Bobby and Allie

  8. by Mary Sullivan
    Happy Birthday MikeyD!!!! We need to get together Love Mary and Tim Sullivan and kids!!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday Mikey D!
    -The Richmonds
