Mighty MikeyD has
a busy week this week. He got up at 4 AM on Tuesday morning to head for Disney World with the State Police !
Every year the NJ State Police take a few children that have been very sick to
Disney world for the day. They flew out of the State Police hanger in Ewing
Township Early Tuesday morning and fly back late the same night. Wednesday Was a very big day for MikeyD we all had a day that we never thought we would have
Thanks to God and Peggy Dunne MikeyD Made his confirmation sitting
next to his cousin Brendan. Who would of thought one year ago that MikeyD would
be able to make his confirmation. Peggy we will never be able to thank you
enough for what you have done for MikeyD it was so Awesome to see him make his
Please see note from Father Carlos that made us all feel great!
“ Congratulations
Michael "Joseph" on your confirmation day. Your lifted up our hearts
and spirits to God even higher today when we saw you proceeding into Church
with the other teens. Mikey You are a living sign for all of us of how true and
real the power of prayer is. Mikey my brother keep up the good work and know
that you and your family continue to be in my prayers. May God bless us all and
may Saint Joseph intercede for us all.”
The doctors have also taken MikeyD off some of
his medication and we have seen a major improvement. He was taking medication
for muscle spasms caused by the traumatic brain injury, We had no idea how bad
the side effects were from that medicine. MikeyD is talking and walking much
better, in the last few weeks we have seen a major recovery.
We are trying very hard to get MikeyD back
to Bayshore for a day or two a week before the end of the year to start his
transition back for next year.
We will keep you posted.
It is a shame they
left him out of the yearbook at Bayshore School.
I guess the old saying is true out of sight
is out of mind they forgot all about MikeyD.
The screening will be bigger and better
that ever.
Please keep spreading the word about the
Right now it looks like it will be in
This will also give The MikeyD Foundation
more time to raise the funds needed to screen all the Children.
We will keep you posted here and at www.mightymikeyd.com
You can Congratulate MikeyD on his confirmation right here.
You can Congratulate MikeyD on his confirmation right here.
We Believe in Miracles !!!
Please keep praying and
posting for MikeyD !!!