Mighty MikeyD
went back to CHOP last week for his check up with Dr. Vetter and some testing
of his defibrillator and pace maker. MikeyD went through a stress test as well,
Thank God everything checked out great. Mikeyd passed the stress test his heart
is perfect all the damge to the left ventical from the Sudden Cardiac Arrest is
healing, MikeyD's Defibrillator had no activity his little heart is healing
almost as if it had never stopped beating. Little MikeyD's heart was damaged
from the SCA. The big scar on his chest is looking better. It is hard to
believe we are approaching the 1st anniversary of that tragic night when he was
playing basketball and went down on the court. Dr Vetter said MikeyD is still
dehydrated and needs to have at least 10 glasses of water a day or a mix
of water, Gatorade, or some other fluid. Today is Dr. Vetter's Birthday.
Happy Birthday from all of us I know you enjoy reading the blog. I spoke to Dr.
Vetter about coming to Middletown to screen the kids she agreed. we are
organizing it now unfortunately it will take us six months to plan it out there
is a lot involved. We will be offering screenings to all kids in the middle
school and high schools not just athletes but all kids.
Can you be sure an emergency rescue worker will
always be three minutes away?
Sure enough to risk your life on it?
the only chance a sudden cardiac arrest victim has for resuscitation is a shock from a defibrillator as soon as possible. According to the AHA (American Heart Association), defibrillation should be administered within the first three minutes of cardiac arrest.
Sure enough to risk your life on it?
the only chance a sudden cardiac arrest victim has for resuscitation is a shock from a defibrillator as soon as possible. According to the AHA (American Heart Association), defibrillation should be administered within the first three minutes of cardiac arrest.
We all
know the Mighty MikeyD story !!!
But he
is a true Miracle one of the only known survivors after being down so long. All
the Doctors say he is a very strong young boy.
Let’s all
work together to help spread the word of the Mighty MikeyD Heart screening from
CHOP coming to Middletown to help save all our children.
Right now
it looks like it will be sometime in February I will keep you posted.
Please send the link to this blog to everyone you know with
children the more we reach the better. I am hoping we can screen at least 500
kids. We had 141,000.00 hits since I posted 2 weeks ago. Let me know if you are
interested in helping me to the spread the word for the screenings.
MIkeyD is getting stronger every week but he misses the
interaction and friendship of playing sports on teams like he use to do so we
are going to plan some more wiffle ball games in the fall.
MikeyD also misses being at Bayshore with his old friends.
Please pray that MikeyD will one day leave the Children’s
hospital and return to Middletown and go back to Bayshore with friends where he
We Believe in Miracles !
Please keep praying and posting for MikeyD.